Activations / Soul Journeys

spirit guide meditation

Messages from your Spirit Guides

This is a channeled meditation that guides you in the presense of your spirit guides, to meet them, receive their messages, and special activations.

past life regression meditation

Past Life regression meditation

Past life regression soul journey: Journey back in time, through dimensions, through layers of time and space into an important past-life reincarnation. What messages await for you?

become ascended

Become your fully Ascended Self

Link with the consciousness of the most Lighted version of yourself. Experience the peace and love and power that comes from this connection.

Connect with your body

Your physical body has consciousness. Your DNA, your cells, your nervous system and all that make up your physical substance vibrates on energy that you expose it to. When you send it love, gratitude and joy, it will be healthier and function 10 times better. Your connection with your body is powerful, so tune in …

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